22 days, 440km, 1100 sand dunes all while raising funds and bringing awareness to Jenny’s Place who assist women and children escaping domestic violence and at risk of homelessness.

This Trek for Jenny’s Place is going to be a cracker of a trip. It will have it’s moments when you think “what am I doing here” and then there will be the golden ones when you are sitting on top of a dune, full moon at sunset and not a soul in sight! It will be a trip of surprises and adventures.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Day 14 - (Sunday, 28 August)

We decided to start walking earlier today as it was going to be a really hot day.  We got up in the dark at 5.30 am, packed up and were hiking by 6.15 am.

It turned out to be a good decision as once the sun came out it just kept getting up higher and higher and ended up 32 degrees.  We did 15 kms before our lunch break.  After lunch the sun was beating down and when we hit 18 kms we were really struggling as the heat was so intense.  

The dunes today were really big and there wasn’t much walk time between them so it was really taking it’s toll.

Thankfully for the last few kms into camp we got some cloud cover and we were all so grateful. 

As we came down from a big dune there was a massive salt lake in front of us.  We had to walk 1 km across the salt lake to finally get into camp for the day.  We were all very grateful and thankful to finally reach Poppel corner. 

Poppel corner is the point where QLD, NT and SA borders all meet.  It’s the only place in Australia that has all three.

You can literally be in all three states at once which made for some great photos.

Today has been a really tough day for everyone and I thought it was a great day to give everyone the letters and pictures I had organised from their significant others and family as a surprise for the Trekkers before we came away. 

Everyone was very surprised and grateful to hear from home.  There was a mixture of tears and laughter as we all read them.

After another fantastic dinner of Rogan Josh and damper it was time to sleep again to prepare for another day of the same tomorrow.  “Eat, Walk, Sleep, Repeat”!

Today we did 23 kms over 8 hours and 39,000 steps.  We are now only 130 kms away from Big Red - and still no camel sightings.

Until tomorrow 


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