22 days, 440km, 1100 sand dunes all while raising funds and bringing awareness to Jenny’s Place who assist women and children escaping domestic violence and at risk of homelessness.

This Trek for Jenny’s Place is going to be a cracker of a trip. It will have it’s moments when you think “what am I doing here” and then there will be the golden ones when you are sitting on top of a dune, full moon at sunset and not a soul in sight! It will be a trip of surprises and adventures.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Day 20 - (Saturday, 3 September)

Exciting news!  After 18 days of walking we finally got to see camels today !!!

We left Camp about 8 am this morning and not long into the day we hit our first dune.  As we reached the top puffing and panting, Troy yelled out “camels”.  

There standing on the road in front of us was 8 camels.  We were so excited we finally got to see some.  We all just stood still, not game to move, watching them and taking some pics.  

Troy ran back to camp to tell Paddy and the crew.  They jumped in their vehicles and came to meet us and were just as excited to see them - Paddy and Uncle Ken love their camels !

It was a great way to start our second last big day of walking.  

We did 14 kms before we reached the crew for lunch.  It was a pretty cool morning so we stayed fairly layered up with clothing.

After lunch we had another 8 kms to cover.  We like to get a bigger amount done before lunch when we are fresh as after we have eaten and the afternoon heat and tiredness sets in, we tend to find the walking a lot harder.

We were into camp by about 2 pm today and after we got our tents put up everyone had a bit of a rest in them before we gathered around the camp fire.  

Today we walked 22 kms over 6 hours and did 34,550 steps.

There was lots of talk around the camp fire tonight about how far we have come.  We only have another 27 kms before we reach Big Red. It’s mind boggling to think we left 3 weeks ago and have walked as far as we have.

Everyone have just gotten on so well and really looked out for each other which has made our time together really enjoyable.  We have spent so much time with each other, I think we know everything about everybody as there is lots of time to talk and it definitely helps the kilometres go quicker.

Paddy had written a poem about our time out here together and he read it to us around the camp fire tonight.  He had done a great job and we all really appreciated the effort he had put in.

Another big walk day tomorrow and then we are home free !!

Until tomorrow 

Donna x

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