22 days, 440km, 1100 sand dunes all while raising funds and bringing awareness to Jenny’s Place who assist women and children escaping domestic violence and at risk of homelessness.

This Trek for Jenny’s Place is going to be a cracker of a trip. It will have it’s moments when you think “what am I doing here” and then there will be the golden ones when you are sitting on top of a dune, full moon at sunset and not a soul in sight! It will be a trip of surprises and adventures.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Day 11 - (Thursday, 25 August)

Each day when we wake up we are getting more aches.  There is a scurry of people asking if anyone has more Band-Aid’s, does anyone need strapping tape, who needs Panadol?  Each day takes a little more toll on everyone but we are such an awesome team. 

After a cuppa by the fire to warm up, we have our breakfast and then help each other roll our mattresses and pull down tents.  Everyone helps throw the bags and mattresses onto the vehicles and once packed up we head off for the day.

Mumma C is an absolute machine and always leads the way.  We have all found our groove and it’s funny how we all end up behind the same person and on the same side each day.  It’s like something is wrong if we are not in the correct order.  

I have christened Lisa “No Rush Lisa”.  She is so funny - every morning she says there is no rush but every morning she is first up, first packed and right up the front of the group all day when we are walking.  It’s become a real joke. 

Shay and Troy are also amazing  - they haven’t missed a beat and are right up the front as well.

Kim fluctuates from being at the front of the group in the morning and then will often drop right back in the afternoon to listen to a podcast and go at a leisurely pace as she makes her way into camp.

Em is our resident finder of “scats and tracks”.  She takes everything in around her and often points out lizards, worms, bugs, birds and flowers. 

Her, Jen, Ali and I are right up the back and fondly known as “F Troop”.   My little feet take about three steps to everyone else’s one so we just plod along and solve all the problems of the world as we go.

Today we did 24.5 kms over 7.5 hours which was 41,635 steps.  The last few kilometres were pretty tough - our feet are really aching by then and we get so excited when we finally see Mumma C walking back towards us to tell us she has spotted camp. 

Paddy has seats set out for us and a cuppa waiting.  We all collapse into the seats and take our shoes and socks off.  Red dust and sand is everywhere.

Our dinner tonight was spaghetti bol and damper and once again it was amazing.

Marcia, the General Manager of Jennys Place,  had written a letter for us all to read out once we were half way and today we hit the half way mark !

It was a lovely letter of thanks for what we are doing and giving some statistics on how our fundraising will impact the women and children who use Jenny’s Place.  With everyone getting so tired, it was a timely reminder to us all of why we are out here doing what we are and it really lifted everyone’s spirits. 

Still no camel sightings but Paddy and Uncle Ken have said not to give up and we might see some at the salt lakes. 

Until tomorrow 

Donna x

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